Sand dollars star in a vignette about love

By James W. Dolan
Special to the Reporter

An older couple was walking along Tigertail Beach on Marco Island recently when they saw a woman in a bathing suit holding a small cloth bag and looking forlorn as she stood at the edge of the inlet. “What seems to be the problem,” she was asked. The woman said she was on vacation and hoped to search for sand dollars on the beach across the inlet but was afraid to cross to the other side.

Ireland reviewing its diaspora outreach

Ed Forry

Ciarán Cannon T.D., Ireland’s Minister for the Diaspora and International Development, spent two intensive days in town last month meeting with Irish groups here. We spoke on his visit to the Irish Pastoral Centre in Dorchester.

Q. What’s the purpose of your visit?
A. The predominant purpose is to engage extensively with the Irish communities here, with a view toward hearing their opinion on Ireland’s diaspora engagement strategy. There are 33 million people of Irish descent living in the US and I try to get out to all of those communities as often as I can.

Minister Ciarán Cannon visits Boston for diaspora discussions

Ireland’s Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development, Ciarán Cannon T.D., was in Boston last month for a two-day program of consultations with the Irish diaspora in which he met with representatives of more than 20 Irish-American organizations as part of the preparation for the Irish government’s new diaspora policy.

He also visited some of the six Irish community organizations that receive funding from the government to provide legal, welfare, and cultural activities to the diaspora in New England.

Minister Ciarán Cannon visits Boston for diaspora discussions

Ireland’s Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development, Ciarán Cannon T.D., was in Boston last month for a two-day program of consultations with the Irish diaspora in which he met with representatives of more than 20 Irish-American organizations as part of the preparation for the Irish government’s new diaspora policy.

He also visited some of the six Irish community organizations that receive funding from the government to provide legal, welfare, and cultural activities to the diaspora in New England.

From Dublin to the Shannon, on cycle via the Royal Canal

Michael Shea, 55, at right, was raised in the small Western Massachusetts town of Blandford before graduating from Stonehill College in 1985.  After obtaining a law degree, he practiced in Boston until moving to Ireland with his wife Margaret (a native of County Leitrim) in 1998.  He has lived in Dublin since arriving in Ireland, and recently sat down to explain how he came to write a book about the Royal Canal, the stretch of water linking Dublin to the Shannon River and made famous in Brendan Behan’s song “The Auld Triangle.”

From Dublin to the Shannon, on cycle via the Royal Canal

Michael Shea, 55, at right, was raised in the small Western Massachusetts town of Blandford before graduating from Stonehill College in 1985.  After obtaining a law degree, he practiced in Boston until moving to Ireland with his wife Margaret (a native of County Leitrim) in 1998.  He has lived in Dublin since arriving in Ireland, and recently sat down to explain how he came to write a book about the Royal Canal, the stretch of water linking Dublin to the Shannon River and made famous in Brendan Behan’s song “The Auld Triangle.”

He takes stock of Irish history in musical fashion

Colm Keegan was born into a musical family – his father and five brothers all singers – and he has not strayed from his lineage. With a background in both traditional and choral singing, the Dublin native is best known for his nearly four-year stint with Celtic Thunder, which came after he performed as a member of the choir for Celtic Woman.

Dorchester native breaks new ground in McConville case

Patrick Radden Keefe grew up in the heart of Boston’s Irish community— the Adams Corner section of Dorchester. His dad Frank— whose great-grandparents were immigrants from Donegal—was a regular at the Eire Pub.

But despite the name and pedigree, Keefe wasn’t raised like some of his Irish-American cousins who came of age as the Troubles roiled their ancestral homeland. He wasn’t regaled with rebel ballads on the Saturday Irish Hour. No plastic paddy, this one.

Dorchester native breaks new ground in McConville case

Patrick Radden Keefe grew up in the heart of Boston’s Irish community— the Adams Corner section of Dorchester. His dad Frank— whose great-grandparents were immigrants from Donegal—was a regular at the Eire Pub.

But despite the name and pedigree, Keefe wasn’t raised like some of his Irish-American cousins who came of age as the Troubles roiled their ancestral homeland. He wasn’t regaled with rebel ballads on the Saturday Irish Hour. No plastic paddy, this one.


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