E-mail and Politics: Uneasy Relationship

In broad state government terms, this year so far has been largely about corruption allegations, and their fallout. Such outbursts are often cyclical, play themselves out, and fade away for a while.

But there's a larger, more fundamental alteration going on, and it speaks more deeply to the body politic's distrust of the system than the public's well-earned suspicion of the body's own rot.


Now in charge, DUP's Robinson faces challenges with confidence

For decades, Peter Robinson was the man in the background, a key player in the world of hard-line unionism but almost entirely obscured by Ian Paisley's epic shadow.

In 1979, at the tender age of 29, Robinson was elected to the British parliament, beginning a political run that has seen him spend the past 30 years, or half of his life, representing East Belfast at Westminster. A year later, in 1980, Robinson was named deputy leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, launching his long-running role as Paisley's loyal understudy.


Terrorist Violence in North Putting Peace Process in Peril

While they are striving mightily to attract new business investment to Northern Ireland and are encouraging tourists to visit, authorities, both elected and appointed, seem unable to stop the new terrorists (also called dissidents) and their many acts of violence. Given that, the threat of serious disruption of the peace process, and, therefore, the new government, is very real.


'Fine Winter's Night' Turns Two; Heatons on Move

"Fine Winter's Night," the holiday album and live show by Irish duo Matt & Shannon Heaton, features traditional, updated, and original Irish music to help usher in Christmas. The Heatons will perform throughout the Northeast and Midwest this December.

Their calendar follows: Wed., Dec. 3, Lakeside Theater (Rangeley, ME); Dec. 4, Skye Theater (South Carthage, ME); Dec. 5, Old White Church (Tuftonboro, NH ); Dec.6, PACE (Pioneer Arts Center of Easthampton, MA).


BCMFest 2010 Will Be Playing to a 'Back-to-Basics' Theme

On January 8 and 9, 2010, the Boston Celtic Music Fest (BCMFest) will mark its seventh year of warming up the chilly Boston winter with a showcase of some of the area's finest performers in the Irish, Scottish, Cape Breton, and other Celtic or Celtic-influenced music traditions.


A Pride of Lions from the Bay State

The recounting of his tenure as a United States senator in the media's compelling coverage of the death of Ted Kennedy and the current successor campaign is more than the story of one man's growth and influence in that body; it is also the latest illustration of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts's unique contribution to the political history of the nation.


Is Conscience a Reliable Guide?

I had the pleasure of hearing Globe columnist and author James Carroll at a BC High lecture recently. The former Paulist priest's latest book is Practicing Catholic in which he explores the history and development of the institutional church and his concerns about the failure of renewal started at the Second Vatican Council.



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