Patrick Shea: Hair-Raising Master of Mayhem at ‘Shear Madness’

The confetti has just settled at The Charles Playhouse following the 30th-anniversary celebration for "Shear Madness." Set in present-day Boston, "Shear Madness" is all about the scissor-stabbing murder of a famous concert pianist who lives above a unisex hair salon on Newbury Street.

Karan Casey and John Doyle Serve Up 'Emotional Depth. It's in Our Nature'

It seems hard to imagine, somehow, but more than a decade has passed (almost 14 years to be exact) since the debut album of Solas, whose members at the time included guitarist John Doyle and lead singer Karan Casey. To many ears, Solas was a revelation, creating an Irish-American sound built on tradition but clearly pointed toward contemporary styles and influences.

Irish Immigration Center Is Quick to Pitch In

The Irish Immigration Center is partnering with several organizations throughout the city to help Haitian immigrants seeking Temporary Protected Status (TPS) complete applications by a June deadline.

In recent weeks, the Obama administration granted TPS for Haitian immigrants who were in the U.S. prior to the earthquake. The status allows undocumented immigrants to remain in the country for up to 18 months and avoid deportation back to the devastation in Haiti. The program also gives immigrants the ability to work in the U.S.

Typically, Irish Everywhere Respond to Haitian Crisis

Ed Forry

The story of how one Boston Irish business leader stepped up to help in the wake of the terrible earthquake in Haiti typifies the great sense of empathy, compassion and benevolence that is part of the culture of Irish Americans and the Irish around the world.

Here's the story of Kevin Leary, CEO of Valet Parking of New England, (VPNE,) in his own words:

The Waiting Line is Fast Dwindling, and Soon They Will All Be Gone

The ranks are thin. Where once stood thousands of young soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. there are huge gaps. Those who are left are stooped, wrinkled, and gray. As we watch, more crumple to the ground. Taps sounds in the distance. The rest remain silent ... waiting.

They are the rank and file. Their leaders, some of whom were veterans of World War I, are all gone.

Come this August, it will be 65 years since the end of World War II. The 17 and 18 year olds of 1945 are 82 and 83. Those who enlisted at 20 in 1941 when the war began are 89. Soon they all will be gone.

Climate Change in Scott Brown's Massachusetts

The Jan. 19 election to succeed Paul Kirk - and Ted Kennedy - in the United States Senate was supposed to be the tripwire. The vote that launched a thousand domino campaigns, Democrats vying against Democrats for seats long held safe by Democrats, and expected to be held by Democrats long into the foreseeable.

Instead, state Sen. Scott Brown's election over Attorney General Martha Coakley has sent the state's plurality party into an unaccustomed place: the wilderness contemplative.


Cardinal Daly, Leader of Ireland's Catholics During Violent Years in Belfast, and Hero of the Peace Process, is Dead at 92

One of the more substantive heroes of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, Cardinal Cahal Daly, died in a Belfast hospital last month at the age of 92. A saintly man of small stature, the cardinal was trusted by Protestant church leaders on all sides. A quiet man who carried a pleasant wry smile, he served as the bishop of Belfast and the surrounding area during the height of the bombings and shootings that pervaded Northern Ireland in the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s.


Murphy, a Mover on the Boston City Council, Takes Stock of Voter Anger in Mulling Future

The view is serene from Stephen John Murphy's office on the fifth floor of Boston City Hall. It overlooks Faneuil Hall and a swath of Boston Harbor in the distance on this promising late January day when the sun is a bit higher in the sky and the temperature is flirting with the 50s. Inside this dense concrete bunker, the political climate is chilling, as observers assess the damage from the storm surge of angry voters that swept Scott Brown into the United States Senate faster than you could say "All bets are off!"


Juicy Scandals Help Irish Weather a Fierce Winter

By Bill O’Donnell
Three Penny Opera, Irish Style -- For some in Ireland the New England type of fierce winter weather in recent weeks has been the topic of fireside conversation from Sligo to Kildare. Yet nothing beats a good old-fashioned scandal and the Green Isle currently has three beauts that have dominated --overwhelmed would be more accurate – the national news cycle.


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