Vincent Crotty Art Exhibition on Cape Cod

Cork-born artist Vincent Crotty will have a summer exhibition of new
oil paintings, with images of Ireland, New England, and beyond. The
show runs from August 12 - 23 in South Yarmouth, Cape Cod. Among
recent works are "Boston Harbor, Lewis Wharf", "Irish Set Dancing In
the Catskills", and"A Dog In County Kerry Sunshine". Opening
reception with the artist on Friday, August 15 from 5-7 pm, and
Susan and Steven Lindsay will play a concert of Irish music at the
same venue at 8 pm, following the art opening. Venue:Cultural Center

The Summer of 2009 in the North Shows There Are Miles to Go to a Lasting Peace

While the season has not taken Northern Ireland to brink of civil war, as happened all too often during the turbulent 1990s, this summer certainly illustrates that many tensions, sectarian and otherwise, continue to bubble in the Northern cauldron.

Summer has always been the most dangerous season in the North, with Protestant fraternal organizations, led by the Orange Order, holding hundreds of parades celebrating Protestant King William of Orange's pivotal 1690 victory over Catholic rival James II at the Battle of the Boyne.


For Him, a Window Becomes His World

The old man sits at the window looking out as the rain traces patterns as the drops glide across the pane. This has become his world.

Once he inhabited the land beyond the glass but time and infirmity now confine him to a small apartment. Far removed from what once was a full and active life, he sits alone most days with his memories and the slice of the outside world framed by the window.

Omagh Families Pursue O.J. Remedy

The families of the 29 victims of the horrific Omagh bombing eleven years ago this month have won a judgment against the men implicated in the senseless atrocity. The award of $2.5 million will likely be no easier to collect than the civil damages award against O.J. Simpson, but it indicates the level of commitment of the families.


Is Anti-Evacuation Day Anti-Irish?

The terrain onto which the four major candidates for governor of the Commonwealth tread is one fundamentally different-looking than the turf onto which a former Justice Department official and corporate attorney named Deval Patrick trod in early 2005.

And it's not just the economy, the Obama-altered electorate, or the cultural uncertainty jolted into voters by the uncertainty of living in a post-Farrah, post-Jacko, post-Ed McMahon world.

It'll be the first election after the great Bunker Hill Day/Evacuation Day Imbroglio of 2009.


As Northern Ireland's Troubles Continue, Irish Americans Should Remain Attentive

Ominous may be the right word to describe Northern Ireland conditions today:

On Saturday evening, March 14 this year, two British soldiers, Mark Quinsey, 23, and Cengiz Patrick Azimkar, 21, were shot and killed by automatic gunfire as a pizza delivery truck pulled up to their barracks in County Antrim.

Two days later, on Sunday evening, March 16, Police Constable Stephen Paul Carroll, 49 and a Catholic, was investigating a call for help in Craigavon, County Armagh when he was shot in the back of the head by a sniper.


'Tis a Fact That Angela's Son Frank Made a Definite Mark with His Pen

He had his devotees and his detractors, but as far as this reviewer is concerned, one thing about Frank McCourt is and remains indisputable. Frank McCourt could flat out write. He had battled hard against melanoma and meningitis in recent months, but his death does not silence him.

Call Me a Square Shooter, Says Frank Brennan; Legendary Banker, 92, Still Gets into the Office

At 92, Francis Patrick Brennan, dean of Boston's banking community, a first-generation Irish American who elbowed his way into the core of the once Yankee-dominated financial world where Irish need not apply, a vigorous, brassy, high-octane individual with a street-smart quotient that would intimidate the best at Harvard, hasn't lost a step.

Don't be fooled by the walker. His intellectual gait is impressive for a man half his age.

Memorial Mass Aug. 23 for David R. Burke

Cumann na Gaeilge i mBoston (the Irish Language League of Boston)
will host a Memorial Mass for the late David R. Buke of Lawrence on
Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 4 PM at the Heritage State Park Visitors
Center, 1 Jackson Street, Lawrence, Massachusetts.
Burke passed away on May 27, 2009. At the time of his death, Mr.
Burke was Vice President of Division 8 AOH and President and Founder
of the Irish Foundation of Lawrence, Inc. He served in various
capacities on the National, State and County levels of the Ancient

Irish-Language-Only Road Signs in the Gaeltacht Can Be Vexing

As a friend and I drove along a curvy stretch of the Atlantic Drive on Achill Island in Co. Mayo this spring, I spotted a sign on the side of the road that said: Aire Ailtreacha Arda.

Interesting, I thought, since it had no accompanying image and I don't speak Irish. Maybe it means sheep in the road (and there are plenty), or winding road (plenty of those, too) or, well, who really knows?

When I returned to the house I rent, I asked the owners what it meant. They didn't have a clue.



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