Dot boxing club a family affair

Two years after their well-respected boxing gym was abruptly displaced from its Uphams Corner home of 12 years, the Grealish family is back in Dorchester with a new space on Freeport Street. The gym, which shares space with another fitness club in a second-floor walk up at 79 Freeport St., has been open for about two months, but is already buzzing with activity.

Immigration begins Deferred Action application process

On Aug. 15, US Citizenship and Immigration Services began accepting applications for deferred action for young people brought to the US as children. Deferred action is a temporary immigration status that protects immigrants from deportation and provides them with permission to work. If granted, it is available for two years, and there may be a possibility of renewing the status.
CIS has issued a new form and instructions about how to apply for deferred action, and has set up a website for more information about the program:

Introducing ‘Trad Kids’

For Boston-area Irish musician Shannon Heaton, invention was the necessity of motherhood. In the first weeks after her son Nigel was born two years ago, Heaton – like many a new parent – often found herself up at all hours for feeding, changing, and comforting. To help herself stay awake, Heaton made fanciful sketches of frogs and toads, and invented little stories about them for her own amusement.

‘A Broth of a Boy’

The life and times of Brendan Behan, one of Ireland’s most colorful writers, are in the spotlight this month in “A Broth of a Boy.” The one-man show, starring Danny Venezia, is being presented from Sept. 25 to Oct. 7 at The Arsenal Center for the Arts in Waltham.

Aside from being a gifted poet, novelist and playwright, Behan is renowned for having joined the IRA. at the age of 16. His play “Borstal Boy” tells the autobiographical story of his time in a youth prison in England following his mission to blow up the Liverpool docks.

Irish Democrats Rally Behind President Obama; Create new SuperPac

Ed Forry

Coming soon: ‘McBlackpac’
Even as the Republican party met in Tampa in late August to nominate Bain Capital’s Willard “Mitt” Romney and his running mate, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, a group of Irish Americans were getting ready to troop to Charlotte for the Democrat convention that will nominate President Obama and VP Joe Biden.

Paul Ryan, The Bean Counter, and the Truth

Where to start with Willard Romney’s partner in duplicity. He is trying to shrink the budget, but, as with many of his ideological compatriots, he can’t stay away from the big money earmark giveaways for his hometown. He used to believe in Ayn Rand and her brand of selfishness, but that doesn’t play well with his fellow Catholics, so he left her and joyously re-embraced his childhood faith. Paul Ryan’s budget plan was endorsed by Romney, but on the trail the Belmont weathervane, without a budget himself, reminds people that he’s the boss and Ryan’s plan is not his, at least not quite.

3rd Annual Boston Irish Honors 2012 Luncheon Oct.19; Congressman Neal, Muse Family, Feeney Brothers named Honorees

Announcing a very special event- Boston Irish Honors 2012
The Boston Irish Reporter, the region's leading chronicler of all things Irish-American, will celebrate its 22nd anniversary with a Celebratory Luncheon on Friday, October 19, 2012 in the main ballroom of Boston's Seaport Hotel.

Tommy Fleming to sing at City Hall in Peabody Sept. 7, 8

Tommy Fleming, whose powerful, passionate interpretations of songs old and new, traditional and contemporary, have made him one of Ireland’s most popular vocalists, will perform two shows next month at Peabody City Hall.
Fleming will give concerts on Sept. 7 and 8, both at 7 p.m., in city hall’s Frank L. Wiggin Auditorium. Tickets for the shows are $30 (orchestra tables), $25 (balcony tables) and $20 (balcony seats). For information, call the Office of the Mayor at 978-538-5704.

Harrington’s in Wakefield offers spirit aplenty on Wednesday nights

Harrington’s Food and Spirits
Where: 17 Water St., Wakefield
When: Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m.
Began: 2005

Location isn’t necessarily a big consideration for session-goers – compared to concerns like “How many people will fit into the place?” or “Can you hear yourself at all?” – but Terry Weir feels it’s definitely a virtue of the session he organizes and co-leads at Harrington’s.


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