Lots of “What Now? questions as Francis I takes St. Peter’s seat

By James W. Dolan
Special to the BIR

Pope Francis has his work cut out for him. In a secular world, how does he reconcile Christian orthodoxy – more particularly Catholicism – with democracy, capitalism, gay rights, women’s rights, abortion, and a culture that sometimes seems obsessed with sex and violence?

Mourning a giant among men: The North’s Sir George Quigley

By Joe Leary
Special to the BIR

Beneath all the tragic headlines emanating from Northern Ireland over these past 50 years lies a largely untold story of people on both sides that did their best to bring people together.
Though many resisted change, there were those who knew it was necessary and did what they could to make it a fair, just, and inclusive process, frequently at peril to their own lives and careers.

Walker? Jogger? Cyclist? I have the island for you

By Judy Enright
Special to the BIR

There was a time not so long ago in Ireland when bicycles and feet were the primary modes of transportation, especially out in the rural areas. Of course, there were motorized vehicles then, too, but certainly not the numbers that there are today. And, bicycles were mostly useful, old-fashioned, and clunky – not sleek racing machines.

Eire Society will honor IIIC’s Sister Lena Deevy with Gold Medal

After 24 years as executive director of the organization she founded, Boston’s Irish International Immigrant Center, Sister Lena Deevy has stepped down. Her energetic and committed stewardship of the IIIC has been recognized by Ireland and America with national honors from both countries, and now it is time to honor the immigrants’ friend here at home.

NewsNotes from Around Boston

US, Canada help boost Irish tourism to healthy numbers
More gains seen for 2013 as ‘Gathering’ takes hold

BIR Staff
More than one million people from the US and Canada – a 3 percent increase on the previous year – visited the island of Ireland in 2012 acclording to figures recently released from Ireland’s Central Statistics Office. Gioven those numbers, revenue to the Irish economy from North America increased year-to-year by a strong 9.3 percent, to 742 million euros.

Former President McAleese will join BC as visiting scholar

Former President Mary McAleese: Will be Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies at BCFormer President Mary McAleese: Will be Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies at BCFormer President Mary McAleese will come to Boston College this fall as the Burns Library Visiting Scholar in Irish Studies, the university announced on March 15. The Belfast native, who was the first Northern Irish native to hold the presidency, will teach a course and present public lectures while pursuing research in BC's Burns Library Irish Book and Manuscript Collection.

McAleese — now studying for a doctoral degree in canon law at the Gregorian University in Rome — took office in 1997 and proclaimed “Building Bridges” as the theme of her presidency. She advocated for peace and reconciliation through regular trips to Northern Ireland and by hosting visitors from the North at her official residence.

“Coming to Boston, using that wonderful Burns Library, talking with students and faculty members from a variety of disciplines, including my beloved Irish Studies,” said McAleese, “will be for me a seminal opportunity to enrich and deepen the insights I can bring to my own research and also hopefully to add a little to the insights of others.”


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