Remembering O’Brien’s ‘Classic’ in Dublin in ‘88

Ed Forry

by Ed Forry
BIR Publisher

Last Labor Day weekend, we were passing through Dublin Airport for a connecting flight to Paris. It was early on that Sunday morning, yet the concourse was crowded with travelers.
It was the kick-off weekend of the Irish government’s year-long tourism campaign called the Gathering, and it seemed there were an unusually large number of Americans in the airport’s departure for such an early hour.

Belfast Project update: Decision by US is next step

BC waits to see if US Justice Department decides to appeal
The long and winding road that has been the Belfast Project interviews case involving Boston College, an abduction-and murder probe by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI), the US government, and the project director and his associates reached another crossroad at the end of last month as all parties awaited a decision by the US about a possible appeal of an adverse ruling to its case by the First Circuit Court of Appeals on May 31 of this year.

Waterville and its Golf Links: Fetching presence on the Ring of Kerry

WATERVILLE, Ireland – “The wind is coming from the north and east, and that’s pretty unusual for us at this time of year,” said the fellow next to me on the putting green at the Waterville Golf Links at the southwest edge of the Ring of Kerry in the southwest of Ireland. “It usually comes the other way,” he added as we both stood firm against winds steady at about 25 miles an hour with gusts reaching into the 40-mph range.

Fleadh achievers reflect on what they got out of it

For some Boston-area Irish musicians, early summer might be called Between-the-Fleadhs season. It’s the period following the Mid-Atlantic Fleadh Cheoil – the annual regional Irish music competition, which this year took place May 10-12 in Parsippany, NJ – and the Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, or “the All-Irelands” as it’s often called, the summit of Irish music competitions.

Lenahan O'Connell: A hundred years of grasping chances

On June 6, 2013, Lenahan O’Connell celebrated his 100th birthday. While a handful of people achieve that milestone, it is safe to bet that few do so with a life lived so large on every front. From family and the law to the very history and politics of Boston from the 20th to the 21st centuries, Lenahan, a rock-ribbed Boston Irish Democrat, has done it all, and has done so with a keen sense of justice, humor, hard work, and a commitment to people, whether his clients or those in society who need the most help.


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