Boston Irish Commentary

The idiom “Whistling past the graveyard” is defined as the attempt to stay cheerful in a dire situation. Well, I’m all puckered up and ready to blow. Are you ready? The Red Sox loss of Mookie Betts might not the mean end of the world. There. I’ve said it... Read more
As Ireland entered Europe in 1973 and the “troubles” raged in the North, I was lost in teenage heartache. So much so that I took refuge in my grandparents’ house one night to watch a BBC2 documentary about Joseph Stalin. Distracted by the footage of... Read more
By James T. Brett Compassionate medical care and end of life considerations are some of the most complex and difficult issues facing families, and society in general. It is a reality that may only intensify against a backdrop of an aging population. In... Read more
We make deposits of ourselves for our time, notes in an endless rhythm By James W. Dolan Reporter Columnist I can see the glow in my late wife’s eyes and the smile on her face as she sat with our children and grandchildren at family events. She was... Read more
BY JOE LEARY There is no doubt that the Boston Irish Reporter has been a most important force in strengthening and build-ing the Irish American community here in the Boston area. Since Ed and Mary Forry began publishing this extraordinary newspaper 30... Read more
As the calendar turns toward Thanksgiving, several prominent Irish Americans are doing their level best to turn the conversation away from platters of holiday “gobbler” to the spewing of lies, and, in one case, an ill-advised confession to several of... Read more
BY FRANCIS COSTELLO SPECIAL TO THE BIR “Don’t even think about it” is the message US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delivered with special emphasis during her recent visits to London and Dublin. The words were a strong caution to any UK government seeking a... Read more
As 'Moscow Mitch', Kellyanne Conway, others tout the part y line, the question is: WHOSE PARTY? by PETER F. STEVENS BIR STAFF America’s chaotic political state of affairs no longer stands as a battle between “Red” and “Blue.” While the Democrats remain... Read more
Or will they self-cannibalize and cede field to imperial outrage? BY PETER F. STEVENS BIR STAFF A Hobson’s choice is loosely defined as take it or leave it. What are President Trump and his simpering Senate sycophants, the Banana Republicans offering us... Read more
A warning: It’s not the ‘I’ word BY PETER F. STEVENS BIR STAFF This writer is not in the business of predictions. In November 2020, however, President Donald J. Trump can be defeated. He can be trounced, actually, on one, and perhaps only one issue: It... Read more
BY JOE LEARY SPECIAL TO THE BIR Britain’s long, boring, argumentative journey toward separation from Europe will be remembered for centuries. It will not be a proud moment in its history. So far the process has been a mess. Massive egos, with their own... Read more
It’s high time to add yet another word to the lexicon employed by lazy journalists and casual pundits. Whether you’re viewing CNN, MSNBC, or Fox, you’ve heard this word ad nauseam. Cue the contrived dramatic pause as on-air anchors, reporters, and... Read more
Who is the greatest sports hero in Boston history? Beats me. The question, an age-old one, has flared up recently as Tom Brady has climbed relentlessly up the heights of the Mount Olympus of sports gods, now with six Super Bowl titles hanging from his... Read more
By Peter F. Stevens BIR Staff It’s over, at least for now.  As of this writing, the partial shutdown/presidential temper tantrum ignited by Donald Trump’s demand for a border wall or bust is over until Feb. 15. Still, as the president is already making... Read more
By Peter F. Stevens BIR Staff It’s over, at least for now.  As of this writing, the partial shutdown/presidential temper tantrum ignited by Donald Trump’s demand for a border wall or bust is over until Feb. 15. Still, as the president is already making... Read more
By Peter F. Stevens BIR Staff It’s over, at least for now.  As of this writing, the partial shutdown/presidential temper tantrum ignited by Donald Trump’s demand for a border wall or bust is over until Feb. 15. Still, as the president is already making... Read more
The following are excerpts from the homily given at Mass in St. Gregory’s Church on Sun., Dec. 30: A few weeks ago, we said goodbye to actress and comedienne Penny Marshall. Most of us remember her from her role in the television comedy “Laverne &... Read more
When the people of Britain voted to leave the European Union in June of 2016 they had no idea that it would cause so much harm to themselves and to their country. Their leaders had no idea, either. Two years later, the European Union and the British... Read more
Senior politicians in Britain have so mismanaged the Brexit process of leaving the European Union that it is hard to see the country retaining its reputation as a leading force in world affairs. The situation is a mess. Those in the government simply... Read more
Senior politicians in Britain have so mismanaged the Brexit process of leaving the European Union that it is hard to see the country retaining its reputation as a leading force in world affairs. The situation is a mess. Those in the government simply... Read more
