Publisher's Notes

If you are Irish and Boston-bred, the annual Boston Irish Honors luncheon hosted by the BIR can truly be said to be a “feel-good” event in the annual autumn calendar. The idea we had when the honors was first conceived was to search out and tell the... Read more
Eire Milestone: It was come one, come all as the Eire Pub celebrated 50 years as a mainstay of the Adams Village neighborhood with a birthday party on Sept. 16. The local landmark, named for the Irish word for Ireland, was founded by Irish-born Tom... Read more
It is a short ride up the highway from Boston to Portland – two hours, maybe a little more – and it was to that fine destination that I found myself joining a couple of friends one weekday August morning for a quick excursion to his wonderful waterfront... Read more
An Irish bicyclist who suffered severed head injuries in a collision with a van on Cape Cod last summer has entered a second year of therapy, and his family is hopeful that he will one day resume a measure of independent life. Patrick Schaler, a then-23-... Read more
This past April, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell was on vacation with his brother Michael in the British Virgin Islands when his taxi van was hit in a head-on crash. Both sustained serious injuries. In his first telecast since the accident, he gave a poignant... Read more
By Ed Forry This past April, MSNBC’s Lawrence O'Donnell was on vacation with his brother Michael in the British Virgin Islands when his taxi van was hit in a head-on crash. Both sustained serious injuries. In his first telecast since the accident, he gave... Read more
By Ed Forry The Old Town Teams were at it again in late May in Atlanta and in Boston, renewing a baseball matchup with historic roots that were planted in our city early in the last century. It was the National league versus the American, the Braves... Read more
By Ed Forry When CBS announced last month that its longtime late night comedian David Letterman would soon retire, it didn’t take long before the network named his successor: Stephen Tyrone Colbert, the quick-witted host of the satirical program “The... Read more
At BC High on Sunday, April 6 By Ed Forry Admissions officials from five Irish universities will be in Boston early this month to hold an open house to market the opportunities the schools offer to American students. Education in Ireland will host a free... Read more
By Ed Forry Even as officials of Tourism Ireland count up the successes of last year’s promotion for “The Gathering Ireland/2013,” the island of Ireland government is gearing up for a new way to encourage North American visitors to put the Emerald Isle... Read more
By Ed Forry Dr. Bill and Rita O’Connell, longtime stalwarts of Boston’s Irish community, spent much of their life learning about “The Great Hunger,” the famine that ravaged Ireland in the middle of the 19th century. Many died from starvation, and many... Read more
BY ED FORRY, BIR Publisher This January marks the end of an era in our city. On the first Monday of the New Year, Jan. 6, Hyde Park’s Tom Menino will step down as Boston’s Mayor, and Dorchester’s Marty Walsh will be sworn in as the new chief executive.... Read more
The ancestral bonds that will forever link the town of Boston with the Emerald Isle were in great evidence last month as Ireland’s citizenry and its media were riveted with two huge stories from our city’s Democratic politics. The first, of course, was... Read more
As I write these words, the marvelous run of this year’s Boston Red Sox is just a few hours shy of its conclusion. Tonight, our Olde Town Team will take to the field at Fenway for a World Series Game 6, leading three games to two, and Boston awaits in... Read more
by Ed Forry BIR Publisher Irish government tourism officials are exuberant over the success of the Clan Gatherings promotion developed by the Tourism Ireland agency for the current year. According to a Sept. 26 Associated Press report, “ “Ireland’s... Read more
By Ed Forry BIR Publisher The news last month that the principal owner of Boston’s major league baseball team (the one and only) has agreed to a deal to become the principal owner of Boston’s largest (and best) daily newspaper was met with only mild... Read more
by Ed Forry BIR Publisher Last Labor Day weekend, we were passing through Dublin Airport for a connecting flight to Paris. It was early on that Sunday morning, yet the concourse was crowded with travelers. It was the kick-off weekend of the Irish... Read more
by Ed Forry I was in the room on election night on June 25, and I cheered along with hundreds of others as Ed Markey took the stage for the first time as our state’s new US Senator. Born and raised in working-class Malden and a graduate of Malden Catholic... Read more
by Ed Forry BIR Publisher At the turn of the 19th century, a British steamship company, White Star Line, operated passenger service between Liverpool and Canada. In 1908 the company launched the two largest ships built at that time for the service – the... Read more
By Ed Forry BIR Publisher President Obama welcomed government officials from Ireland and Northern Ireland to the White House last month for the traditional presentation of a bowl of shamrocks. Participating in the East Room ceremonies for the third... Read more


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