August 24, 2020

Senator Ed Markey deserves to be re-elected to the US Senate
by Ed Forry
Boston Irish Publisher
Last week, when I early voted in the upcoming Democratic primary election, I cast my vote to re-elect Ed Markey as our United States Senator.
Senator Markey has been a shining light on any number of issues during his stellar career: on issues including energy, the environment, climate change and technology, he is the leading advocate in the Senate. In Massachusetts, Markey is an authority and the true champion for immigrants and immigrant rights. And he never forgot where he came from, the product of a working-class family with a proud heritage going back to Ireland.
Readers of our Boston Irish publication will recall that Ed Markey was the first recipient of the inaugural Boston Irish Honors for Distinguished Public Service a decade ago, when he was still a Member of Congress. Before a luncheon audience of some 400 guests in October, 2010 he was recognized for his work in public life and the indelible Boston Irish heritage he shares.
Ed Markey’s Irish roots are in Waterville, County Kerry, and when he first visited Ireland in 1996, he discovered and met dozens of Irish cousins- Markeys, Courtneys and Sullivans- and connected with them over a cup of tea and slice of vanilla cake in the home of his mother’s cousin Nora. He was stunned to recognize the woman's resemblance to his mother- the same hands, the same face,- Nira even shared his mother's same love of vanilla cake!
For Markey, Ireland had been an omnipresent part of life, but until that visit it had been an indirect connection. His maternal grandparents, Patrick Courtney and Brigid Sullivan had arrived in America in 1902 and settled in Malden, where Markey was born. His parents, Christina Courtney and John Markey had known little about their Irish relatives - the many cousins then still alive in Ireland. During that 1996 visit with his wife, Susan, Ed Markey became the first of his American-born relatives to travel back and reconnect with his Irish family- a connection that continues to inspire him in his work for all immigrants.
Next year, we hope with your vote that Sen. Markey will be sworn-in again to cap off an exemplary legislative career with the dual advantages of a Biden-Harris White House and a Democrat-controlled national legislature. This new progressive alliance, guided by his seasoned hand as a veteran lawmaker, can propel the Green New Deal into reality.
Ed Markey has labored mightily, and sometimes in lonely fashion, to bring us to this landmark moment. We hope the majority of our fellow voters will vote to send him back to finish the job.
To read our editorial endorsement in our companion publication dotnews.com & Dorchester Reporter, follow this link: https://dotnews.com/2020/editorial-markey-senate