Ireland never disappoints the curious and active traveler

By Judy Enright
Special to the BIR

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says “Ireland?” Well, probably green fields, sheep, and magnificent vistas. Sure, there are all three in Ireland but there’s so, so, so much more. It’s truly a place that has something for every taste. And, as they say, what’s not to like?

More Trouble for Irish Church

By Bill O’Donnell
More Trouble for Irish Church – Boston’s archbishop, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, has not completed his report to the Vatican on the Dublin abuse investigation, but the situation in Irish Catholic Ireland at the moment can only be described as toxic, tawdry, and seemingly endless. The latest chapter in the Murphy Report just released describes a "breathtaking coverup" of a serial priest-abuser, Father Tony Walsh, by church officials for 17 long, painful years.

News Continues to Disappoint; Irish Turn to 2011 with Hope

By Joe Leary
Special to the BIR

Unemployment is high, existing salaries have been cut, taxes are being increased, furious bitter criticism is everywhere, politicians are screaming at each other, and amateur economic experts are demanding their economic solutions be adopted. Newspaper reporters are delighted to offer their own advice and commentary.
This is an unhappy time in Ireland.

Dan Gurney, musician, entrepreneur, writer, Lives Life by ‘Just Seeing What Comes Along’

By Sean Smith
Special to the BIR

How’s this for a resume? Graduated from a prestigious Boston-area university. Trekked around the world as a travel writer and video maker (experiences included finagling a prime location at the annual solstice celebration at Stonehenge). Spent a year in Ireland soaking up as much traditional music as is humanly possible. Returned to Boston to start an Internet broadcast enterprise that might possibly be the next big thing in live music.

Democrats have right to be proud, should say why

Ed Forry

By Ed Forry

The gridlock that seems to have enveloped Washington D.C. in the two years since Barack Obama was elected has come to define the country in this first decade of the 21st century.
Such ephemeral nonsense as demands for the president’s birth certificate, hidden holds by anonymous senators on presidential nominees, and John McCain’s colossal flip/flop on undocumented immigrants are in themselves enough to cause a person to lose faith in the legislative process.

Stoughton author returning to Irish Cultural Centre in Canton

The Irish Cultural Centre of Canton will host author Kyle Darcy, in a reading and book signing on Sunday December 5, 2010 at 1 PM. Under Current Conditions, Darcy’s debut novel, is based on actual events and not only illustrates the benefits of a keen instinct, but also underscores the dire consequences of its failure. Set in Boston in 1999, the story begins with a lucrative business opportunity, but an innocuous change in circumstances leads to kidnapping and FBI stings, culminating in 2009 with a precedent setting international murder trial.


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