Tourism Ireland group in Boston visit, extole big tourist season

Tourism Ireland: Participants in Tourism Ireland's April 25 "Jump Into Ireland" presentation at the Exchange Conference Center on Boston Harbor pose for a photo with Ireland Consul General Michael Lonergan (seated at center). BIR photo by Ed ForryTourism Ireland: Participants in Tourism Ireland's April 25 "Jump Into Ireland" presentation at the Exchange Conference Center on Boston Harbor pose for a photo with Ireland Consul General Michael Lonergan (seated at center). BIR photo by Ed Forry

Don't just come and see the island of Ireland in 2012 but ‘Jump In’. That was the message as Tourism Ireland launched its new brand to a gathering of Boston travel trade partners and industry media at Boston Exchange Conference Center on Wednesday evening. ‘Jump into Ireland’ describes the joyful immersion of a trip to Ireland. That sense of uplifting joy as you take part in our diverse iconic experiences and engage with our welcoming people. This theme will dominate Tourism Ireland’s advertising, consumer and trade promotional activities, co-operative campaigns and media outreach in 2012, and also be a focus for extensive social media campaigns to drive awareness of the unique nature of a vacation to the island of Ireland.

A castle for the night? Ireland has plenty to offer

Irish castleIrish castle

Elegant castles and ruins are scattered across the Irish countryside and add an air of romance and mystery to this mystical island. It’s fun trying to imagine life in those feudal days and how castle dwellers coped without instant communication, grocery stores, or malls.

Some of these castles and tower houses have been restored, with many of the larger castles now serving as deluxe hotels, including Ashford, Kilkea, Dromoland, Kilronan, Abbeyglen, andf Ballynahinch.

Riverdance plays final five shows this weekend at Boston's Opera House

Riverdance in farewell visit to Boston- Don't miss it!
In 1996, Bill Clinton was president, William Weld was governor of Massachusetts, the old Boston Garden was still standing, the Red Sox were still in search of their first world championship since 1918 – and a show called "Riverdance" began touring cities in the United States, including Boston, hoping to duplicate its success in Ireland.
Long story short? It did.

40 countries, 4 continents, 350 venues- ‘Riverdance’ legacy – so far

The international sensation known as "Riverdance" has played in 40 countries across 4 continents in more than 350 venues to a worldwide audience surpassing 22 million people. That's astounding when you consider that the two-hour celebration of Irish music, song, and dance began life as a seven-minute intermission entertainment for the 1994 Eurovision Song Contest televised throughout Europe.

The Chieftains At 50: Better than Ever

The Irish Taoiseach calls them “living treasures whose music has transcended all boundaries.” And ain’t it the truth. After 50 years as a major international music group, the Chieftains, led as they have been since the beginning by Paddy Moloney, have won just about every award imaginable for their richly nuanced traditional Irish music offerings.


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