March 31, 2018

Ireland's Consul General to Boston Fionnuala Quinlan has given birth to her first child, a son born here in Boston on March 29, just two weeks after she began on maternity leave just before St Patrick's Day.
"Caelan Séamus Síva Ganti has arrived!,"Acting Vice Consul Susan Geraghty Krusell said in an email. "Caelan was born on Thursday, 29 March 2018, weighing 8 lbs 3oz. He, Fionnuala and Ravi are all doing well and they will be heading home from the hospital this weekend. The Consulate is so pleased to welcome our newest citizen."
The Consul General began her post here in September 2015, and she and her husband Ravi Ganti make their local home in South Boston. In a BIR interview published in January, she said Ravi “is from India originally but has spent more than half his life at this point between the US and Europe. But he’s still very connected, his mum is still in India. He has lived the last 20 years between the US, France, and Ireland.”
She said they will stay in the city after the baby arrives. “I get Irish maternity leave, that’s six months,” she said. “I’ll be in Boston for the majority of the time. I will, of course, bring the baby home to Ireland at some point, so that family and friends get a chance to meet him.” She expects that her mother-in-law will travel from India for the baby’s birth, and her parents plan a Boston visit in the spring. “They will be here the end of May, and Ravi’s mum will be here around the time of the births, so we are lucky we will have plenty of support.”
Little Caelan is the second new baby at the consulate, as Vice Consul Aoife Budd gave birth last summer,