Cullinane touts O’Malley for Democratic nomination

 John Cullinane, the longtime supporter of successful Democratic candidates, has thrown his support to former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley in next year’s contest for the Democrat nomination for president. The veteran activist and his wife, Diddy, hosted  a reception June 30 at the Dedham Country & Polo Club to introduce O’Malley to potential Massachusetts supporters.

“Governor O’Malley looks like a winner to me for president in 2016,” Cullinane said. “I have done a lot of due diligence on him in recent months, including going to breakfasts in New Hampshire. Each time I come away more impressed. He has the experience plus the ability to inspire people.  For example, his announcement for president was outstanding. He seems like the perfect candidate and, yet, very few know him. But that’s about to change.”

O’Malley was a two-term mayor of Baltimore, and served eight years through 2015 as Maryland’s governor as well as two terms as chair of the Democratic Governors Association. He is a graduate of Catholic University and holds a law degree from the University of Maryland.

An Irish musician who plays guitar in an Irish band in his hometown, O’Malley and his wife, Katie, a District Court judge, live in Baltimore with their four children.