Southie St. Patrick's Day parade still on for Sunday, March 15

St. Patrick's Day Parade 2014: Photo by Chris LovettSt. Patrick's Day Parade 2014: Photo by Chris LovettDespite snow-clogged thoroughfares, the South Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade will still be held on Sunday, March 15, according to officials close to the decision.

"One thing wanted to agree on, we want a parade on the 15th to happen," said Mayor Martin Walsh in a press availability Monday night. Walsh, representatives from the Veterans Council, and others met at City Hall at 5 p.m. Monday to discuss the parade.

The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council, which puts on the parade and approved for the first time this year to allow LGBT group OUTVETS to march, will meet Tuesday night to consider a route change to accommodate the still snow-bound streets. The parade organizers will then meet with the city on Wednesday, which will ultimately approve the parade permit.

Rumors swirled in the last week about a potential date change for the parade or even canceling the annual event.

State Rep. Nick Collins, whose district includes South Boston and the parade route, said much of the decision came down to contracts the veterans council holds with vendors that rely on the parade being held on Sunday the 15th.

More groups and political are expected to participate in the parade this year now that the veterans council has lifted its ban on LGBT organizations in the parade. Organizers say more than half a million people are expected to turn out to watch the parade this year.

"I thank the parade organizers for joining me this afternoon for a productive conversation about this year's South Boston St. Patrick's Day parade in light of the unprecedented amount of snow Boston has received this winter," Walsh said in a statement released after the meeting. "We all agreed that we want the parade to happen in South Boston on March 15. This afternoon, we discussed a variety of different route options that would better ensure the public safety of the parade's participants and spectators. I look forward to reconvening with the organizers by the end of the week after they have discussed the options we outlined with the Allied War Veteran's Council."