The Boston Irish Honors 2014: “A moment to embrace and celebrate our shared heritage”

I am delighted to chair the fifth annual Boston Irish Honors luncheon.

This event is a welcome moment to embrace and celebrate our shared heritage by honoring men and women and families who embody the best qualities of the Boston Irish.

Our honorees are distinguished for their dedication to public service and excellence in their chosen fields. Their stories remind us of how far we have come in this “city on the hill”— a place that continues to be our chosen home. They connect us to our ancestors and the difficult but courageous decisions they made to set sail or take flight for a new land of opportunity.

Like so many of Boston’s present-day residents, our forebears came to these shores and neighborhoods with a resolve to not only improve their own lot in life, but also to make Boston a better place for everyone who calls it home.

It is fitting that we continue to recall these triumphs  — and not just in moments of grief or transition. That’s why this event— convened by the Boston Irish Reporter— has special significance. The Boston Irish Honors Luncheon has become a welcome date on our calendars.

As Boston is ushering in a new era of leadership, it is critical that we always remember our roots. The Irish experience in Boston is still playing out before us, and the men and women we honor today are wonderful examples of that truth.
Thank you for joining us in this celebration. To paraphrase William Butler Yeats, “Think where our glory most begins and ends, and say our glory is we have such friends!” 

Peter Meade
2014 Boston Irish Honors
Event Chairman