Immigration begins Deferred Action application process

On Aug. 15, US Citizenship and Immigration Services began accepting applications for deferred action for young people brought to the US as children. Deferred action is a temporary immigration status that protects immigrants from deportation and provides them with permission to work. If granted, it is available for two years, and there may be a possibility of renewing the status.
CIS has issued a new form and instructions about how to apply for deferred action, and has set up a website for more information about the program:
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible:
Born after June 15, 1981;
Entered the US prior to age 16;
At least 15 years old at the time of filing the application;
Enrolled in school, completed high school, awarded a GED or honorably discharged from the US military or Coast Guard;
Resided continuously in the US from June 15, 2007 to the present;
Not in legal immigration status on June 15, 2012;
Not convicted of a felony, a “significant misdemeanor,” or three or more other misdemeanors.

CIS also announced that the filing fee for the program will be $465, which includes the fee for employment authorization. Fee exemptions will be available on a very limited basis.

The Irish International Immigrant Center in Boston will hold a walk-in information session (the third in a series) about the program on Sept. 17 at 10 a.m. The Center will also be holding clinics to assist applicants in applying for deferred action, to be scheduled soon.

‘The Gathering–Ireland 2013’ kicks off in Dublin: ND vs. Navy

Tourism Ireland, the official government agency that promotes tourism on the island of Ireland, is kicking off a year-long campaign entitled “The Gathering–Ireland 2013” to encourage families with Irish ancestry to visit Ireland next year.
The campaign got under way in Dublin on Sept. 1 as the University of Notre Dame opened its football season with a game with the Naval Academy. The game, dubbed the “Emerald Isle Classic,” was to be telecast live across the United States by CBS Sports.

“Whether you’re Irish born, Irish bred or Irish in spirit, get involved & celebrate a year of Irish connections,” reads the slogan on the website,

“It’s about asking anyone who has Irish blood, a link to Ireland, or even just a love of our country – to join us for a series of amazing and diverse events throughout 2013. They will range from clan gatherings where people will discover their roots, to rugby clubs inviting foreign teams to their sevens tournament, and groups of international business colleagues conferencing in Ireland.