Eire Society Gold Medals to Tynan and Mulligan

The Eire Society of Boston will present its highest award to famed tenor Ronan Tynan and Seamus Mulligan, host of the weekly “Feast of Irish Music Show” on WROL in Boston, at the society’s 75th Gold Medal Awards dinner on Thurs., May 10, at 6 p.m. at The Hampshire House on Beacon Street in Boston.

Medalist Tynan has faced numerous challenges of the physical sort in his life and has endured and prevailed with enormous passion and determination. Introduced to international audiences as a member of the Irish Tenors, Tynan quickly became widely known for his unique voice and irresistible appeal and has remained true to his profession during a long solo career springing from
his tenor appearances. Tynan now makes his home in Milton, MA
For his part, Mulligan lays out the mission of his Sunday afternoon show succinctly: “To present what Ireland and the Irish have accomplished – with admiration, intelligence, and pride. To showcase Ireland’s songs and stories of unmatched beauty, the complex music, the witty and wise proverbs and sayings, the vernacular architecture, now and again a few racy curses and the devout folk prayers.” Mulligan is a resident of Randolph, MA.
Tickets for the event are $125 per person; for more details, call 781-899-3140