Boston Irish endorses Kamala Harris for President

Kamala Harris for President

Rarely in the annals of the American republic have its citizens been presented with an electoral choice that could be termed existential, not only for our own shared destiny, but also for those of far-flung allies and untold millions for whom the global balance of power hangs in the balance.

Such is the case in 2024, when Americans must decide between a Republican ticket that has professed strong sympathies, if not explicit loyalties, to foreign strongmen and autocrats – proven and devoted adversaries of all democracies, including our own – and an incumbent administration sworn to sacred bonds of allegiance to like-minded Western republics, most of them crafted in the likeness of our own noble experiment in self-government. 

For these reasons – and many more – we enthusiastically endorse Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, for election on Nov. 5.

See complete editorial