September 29, 2023

The Frank and Mary Byrne Memorial Commemoration will take place on September 30, 2023 at 1 pm at Old Saint Mary's Cemetery, 103 Pine Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA.
We will have tents at the commemoration, so you can keep dry if there is light rain. Bring an umbrella as well. We will have some folding chairs for those who want to sit, but you can bring a garden chair if.
If you plan to attend, please be sure to put 103 Pine Street, Pawtucket, RI in your GPS! This is a PARISH cemetery, so it does not appear on Google maps and other GPS systems. When you get to the church, you will see the cemetery. If you put the NAME of the cemetery in the search, you will go to the wrong place, since there is another Saint Mary's Cemetery in Pawtucket! There is plenty of parking in the church parking lot and on the side street. There are two entrances to the cemetery.
If you have donated already, many thanks.
If you have not donated--We need your help! The $3400 cost of this commemoration is $3400.. As of today, we have received $1750 in donations.
If you can donate, please do so by check or PayPal**--
Make checks payable to: Fenian Memorial Committee of America
Mail to: Fenian Memorial Committee of America, P.O.Box 10416, Cranston, Rhode Island 02910 USA
**You can use PayPal on our website or on our Facebook page--
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