December 22, 2022

Dec 21, 2022
As I wrap up my time with Rian, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this wonderful organization.
Over the past decade, immigrant families endured much pain and fear through the Trump era and the pandemic. And yet they have been so courageous and resilient. It has been such a privilege to be part of the movement with you for human rights and social justice.
We have been learning much about the importance of working together in partnership and how radical hospitality creates spaces where people can feel a sense of belonging. Over the past decade, together we shaped Rian into a Welcome Center where ALL are welcomed and valued and have access to opportunities and protections. This work will never be complete. The journey continues…
Deep gratitude and respect to all our current and former staff and volunteers: to our Board members and Advisory Board members, to our volunteers and interns, to our donors and partners, and to the Irish Government for their continued support since 1989.
Our work is critically important with the immigrants and exchange visitors who we serve.
I wish my successor Jacob Bombard and the amazing team of staff much success in the future. I will, of course, always support Rian's work and I look forward to the exciting times ahead.
The old Irish proverb stands true: “It is in the shelter of each other that we live. Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.” Let's continue to do so.
May the pathway rise up to meet you, may the sun shine warmly upon you…
In solidarity and with all my good wishes for the holiday season.