150 Mt. Vernon
St., Ste. 120 , Dorchester Ma 02125
617-436-2217 Fax 617-825-5516 www.BostonIrish.com
"Boston's Own Hometown
Journal of Irish American Culture!"
Focused on
Boston & New England
Reporting on Irish Music & Dance
Original & Objective News &
columnists and photographers
Widely-Read Presence on the World Wide Web
Winner, Irish Chamber of Commerce/USA's Award for
"Outstanding Service to Irish Culture"
"America's Outstanding Irish American Newspaper!"
(All Rates are Net, not commissionable)
Open rate is $14.80 per inch. Full page cost
is $1420.80
1/2 page $710.40; 1/4 page $355.20 1/8
page $177.60
Help Wanted and Legal Notices $16.20 Per column
Spot color - $200 additional. Process Color - $400
Column width sizes 1
column1 1/2 " 2 columns 3 1/4 " 3 columns
"4 columns 6 3/4 " 5 columns 8 1/2 " 6
columns:] 10 "
Member American Irish Media Group
close is the 3rd Monday of the month , Material
Due 20th of month preceding publication.
Published on the first Monday of each
month. It
is a 16 inch tabloid, 10" wide x 16" high, over 6
A full page contains 96 column inches; we are not
A locally produced
newspaper with a loyal
readership in Greater
Boston's substantial Irish communities. Boston is the most
Irish of American metropolitan regions, with 40% of Irish
ancestry. The BIR tells the stories of Boston's Irish: its
culture, arts, entertainment, politics,travel and sports and
lifestyles; regular features include:
Stevens on Boston Irish History Veteran Boston
journalist Bill O'Donnell
Dr. Philip Mac anGhabhann on "The Irish Language"
Msgr. Thomas McDonnell monthly "Reflections"
Liam Ferrie's Irish Emigran News From Ireland
Pauline Ferrie's Book Reviews
Award-Winning photographer Harry Brett
60,000 Readers Every Month
On sale news stands throughout Greater Boston,
Eastern Massachusetts Cape Cod , and selected locations
in Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Maine
W. Forry
President, Mary
Casey Forry
Advertising Manager, Jack
Managing Editor,Bill
Features Editor, Peter
A publication of Boston
Neighborhood News Inc., a family-owned Dorchester business
telling the stories of Boston's neighborhood people since
1972. Member, Reporter Newspaper Group- also publisher of
Dorchester Reporter, Boston Haitian Reporter & Mattapan
Reporter. Member, ICCUSA- Irish Chamber of Commerce, USA;
Irish Cultural Centre; The Eire Society; Boston Irish Famine
Memorial Committee, Dorchester Board of Trade.